Cups N Cakes Network_Album Review_August 6, 2020_Piyush Patel

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                              Bhuyash Neupane, Arts and Cultural Management 2016-2018, Convocation Feature 2018

"Cultural differences never bothered me much. I’m used to interacting with people from the stage – I’m a musician and I play the tabla, a pair of drums – but as an international student, I was very hesitant to start smaller conversations. I’m lucky to have had supportive and wonderful faculty and classmates who helped me open up.I came to MacEwan to better understand the connections between musicians and venues, but I’m leaving with a strengthened interest in music research and collaboration. I looked at ways to take an oral tradition of teaching music and present it online. I’ve played the tabla with rock bands, hip hop artists and psychedelic musicians. Every experience during the past two years has made me more passionate about music and its relationship to other art forms. So much so, that I hope to one day create a gallery to showcase the traditions and cultural practices of Nepal’s music"

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